Local man who has struggled to find work ‘like a different person’ after CV Life work experience placement

A man who has struggled to break his way into working life due to complex additional needs  is ‘like a different person’ after completing 10 weeks of work experience at CV Life’s Centre AT7.

Dal Singh, from Bedworth, began his stint at the site with a tentative one-day a week placement. But his confidence has grown in the two and a half month period, with Dal moving up to two shifts a week. He is using his initiative and has generally come on “leaps and bounds” in a short space of time.

It is hoped the placement and Dal’s new-found confidence will be a springboard into working life.

Dal’s time with CV Life came about when Tim Bannister, Supported Employment Journey Guide for Warwickshire County Council, reached out to a number of gyms and leisure centres within the region asking for someone who could accommodate a placement for the sport-loving 22-year-old .

Simon Blay, Health and Fitness Operations Manager for CV Life, responded to the callout, saying the organisation could accommodate Dal at Centre AT7 – ideal as the site is on a bus route which runs past Dal’s home.

Talking about the placement and Dal’s progress, Tim said: “Dal hadn’t done any work since leaving school, because of a lack of experience and qualifications, so building that confidence, giving him a foundation to build on was the first step.

“We wanted to get him into a gym, somewhere he’s shown an interest in working, and allow him to achieve the goals which can then work as a springboard, while also giving him an insight into if it is the kind of work he wants to pursue. I’m really pleased as I think we’ve achieved that.

“When he first started, his mum or his sister would bring Dal in, doing his talking for him. But now he’s coming in on his own, getting the bus, which is good for his independence and he is communicating more and more as the weeks have gone on. 

“His family say what a difference it’s made to him even at home which is great – he’s almost like a different person. We want to give him every opportunity to find a path to follow. This placement has been ideal and CV Life has worked to Dal’s strengths.”

Dal’s placement has seen him shadowing gym floor team leader Linda who is full of praise for him.

“He has been a pleasure,” Linda said. “He is always on time, he enjoys what he’s doing – so much so, I often have to remind him to take his break!

“He’s learnt to use the machines, he always has a go at things. By nature he’s very calm and he is responsive. He takes instructions but he’ll also use his initiative. Often I can just leave him to it. He is punctual, never, ever late.

“He’s really come on a lot since his first day. His confidence has built up and he’s more talkative.”

Simon added: “It’s been a really good ten week spell – Dal has come on leaps and bounds and we’re pleased we’ve been able to accommodate him and help him take those first steps into employment, which often can be tricky.

“But it’s been a two-way street – we’ve been able to help Dal but he’s contributed and made a real difference on the days he’s been with us. There will be a discussion to see how we can assist Dal moving forward but we all wish him luck in his career.”