Please note that these timetables are being updated and will be available closer to the time.
The family focus at Xcel includes a children’s play area and youth room. These dedicated spaces create an environment in which families can enjoy the centre’s facilities in their own way – while never being far from each other. The centre’s natural play area and café bar are both great places to relax, and of course the facilities – from the superb pool to sauna and spa – are second to none.
We have partnered with WelcoMe to give you the most dignified, discreet and personal method to share your requirements and access needs to enhance your experience, making you feel confident when visiting us.
For more information and to book, visit our accessibility page or click this button below:
For customers wishing to attend ‘Family Fun’ and ‘Parent and Toddler’ weekend sessions, we’ve introduced a new booking system to help ensure your place.
To book these sessions, you’ll need to contact us three days prior these sessions either phoning on 024 7685 6956 or visiting in-centre.
For example: To book our 1:00pm – 1:45pm Family Fun session on Saturday, you’ll need to contact us on Wednesday.
+4 years Under 16yrs
Ages 1 – 4yrs
Over 60yrs
(2 adults, 2 kids)
All other sessions are priced as normal
You can combine a fitness suite or exercise class session with a swim session.